Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Post 14

In the video Top Ten Tips for Using Technology, we as future educators can learn a lot of different things. Joe Picardo developed this video, and his websites to help fellow educators learn how to use technology in their curriculum. On his website he credits many of the different websites that Dr. Strange has made us use as significant tools to help improve education through the use of technology such as delicious and audacity. In the video he speaks of how we can use the internet as an effective tool. We can use skype for teleconfroncing, and podcasts for the benefit of your students. He also mentions that teenagers are really into music and probably already have itunes accounts so use more music in your videos. The last thing he talks about is use the gadgets they have to your advantage such as cell phones, ipods, and kindles.

I thought this was a great idea by Joe Picardo. I never would've thought to use their cell phones as an effective learning tool. Another thing that I liked is that he says to get personal with them and find out what kind of music they like and use that to your advantage as an educator. The teleconfroncing was a great idea because I think skype is a great tool. I use it a lot just as a study group tool. Through using skype I never have to leave the comfort of my home, but I can still study with all my classmates.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tyler,

    I've actually never thought about using Skype to study! Great idea. Nice post. Have a great holiday!
