Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post 8

In This is how we dream part 1 In part one Dr. Miller explains that he grew up in a home that was filled with books and that he wanted to pursue a career that involved working with books. He says that times are changing and publishing is as well, and that more and more things are being offered online so we need to adapt. Dr. Miller also mentions how multimedia will be the basis of learning and how he did a report on the Virginia Tech shootings without stepping foot into a library. We need to learn to do all of these new things because soon all of that will be a thing of the past.

In This is how we dream part 2 Dr. Miller talks about how we are entering into a new type of environment where information changes right before our eyes. He says we as educators, must be in the business of sharing ideas freely. He talks about how using the internet we can more quickly put our ideas into society. He talks about how there is no way to teach what he is talking about, and that it needs to be invented. He talks about how the internet is a way for the books to live on forever.

I think that Dr. Miller makes very valid points in teaching about multimedia. I think its important that we know how to use it to be effective teachers. He talks about how we can let books live on forever through the use of the internet and I could not agree more with that. I do not think that I am ready to use all the multimedia in my classroom, but I hope that through the help of this class I will be ready to use it and be able to effectively to make a difference with my students.

In Carly Pugh's Blog Post 12 she talks about how she thought it was important to create her own teaching style. I think that its important for all of us future educators that we find our own way to be effective teachers. She talks about a playlist that she made for inspiration in her teaching, and I thought that was a genius idea because anytime you start to doubt yourself as a teacher you can always look there for inspiration.

The Chipper Series is about a student who is extremely lazy and does not want to work hard for anything, and is looking for the "quick fix" to succeed in life. Once coming up short in this "quick fix" the student decides that she must go back to school and work hard to earn a spot in life. It is very important that we as educators work hard to be just that, educators. We are going to be the ones educating the future leaders of our great country, so we need to take pride in that and work hard.

EDM 310 for dummies talks about how at first people could easily get frustrated with edm 310 because it is a shock at first if your not used to all of the technology. Edm is a very useful tool though because it does help you get started as a teacher because it requires you to follow educators and to learn from them. I think edm is great already because any help you need at any time day or night is available and that is great about this class.

I could not agree more with the video Learn to Change, Change to Learn because it speaks what we have to do as teachers. One of the teachers mentioned that if we want the students to be connected globally, then she as an educator must first familiarize the teachers with how to do that. I think this video is great because it talks about change, and change in the classroom. The video sums up exactly what it is about, and that we have to learn to change so we can learn. By doing this we can learn more effectively.

It does criticize schooling we know today and especially standardized testing. I do not believe that standardized testing does all that much, because there is so many things that it does not measure like the will to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tyler,

    I'm glad you mentioned the things that standardized tests do not measure, because basically those tests are useless except to weed out the bad test takers from the good-guessers and memorizers. There are a lot of better ways to assess a student's ability to learn and handle material. Sometimes I think that our nation has become accustomed to taking the easy way out, and that standardized tests are the ultimate easy way.

    My only question for you has to do with your picture. How in the world did you get it to have the source below it? Haha. It should be included somewhere in the HTML code and you should have the title and alt tags in there as well.
