Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blog Post 13 (The E-Media Fast)

For this blog assignment I decided to do the e-media fast.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
I decided I would try this sustaining from all types of media for 24 hours. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. I thought that I was not that dependent on technology, but I was so wrong. I started off the day by waking up to go to school, so I grabbed everything I needed. I brought along my cell phone, you know, for emergencies. So, I got to school, and everything was going good, I made it through my first two classes successfully, but during lunch, I slipped up and checked my facebook. Back to the drawing board!

Friday, November 18, 2011
Yesterday really woke me up, so I started my day by sleeping in because I didn't have work or school. This got me feeling good, because I have a book I have to read for an essay I have to write, so I started on that. Well, 6:00 PM rolls around and I have been doing really well by not using technology, so I decide to go to a local high school playoff game since I am a coach myself. I made it through the whole game until I realized I was checking my phone for other schools scores. Fail. Back to the drawing board.

Saturday, November 19, 2011
I decided that even though I had failed the previous 2 days, that the third time was a charm, but little did I realize that it was Saturday. EPIC FAIL. College football, and I didn't even stand a chance.

Reflection: I did not see this being too hard that I could not do this assignment. The reasoning is that I do not really see myself as a person that uses technology all that much, but little do I know that I DEPEND on it! As far as my future students go, I think they will be completely reliant on technology. With that being said, I have to use that to my advantage and use what I have learned in this class to put them to work. By using blogs, and symbaloo they can be on the internet and progressing their ideas. They can go to our class blog and get assignments, and even turn them in online to cut down on the use of paper!


  1. Wow, I, too never realized how much I use technology. Especially now, because we are in this class. I admire how hard you tried to complete the assignment and now you can chalk that up to a life experience about the use of technology! I really enjoyed reading your post, it was very entertaining!!

  2. Hey Tyler,

    Great post showcasing the necessity of technology in our daily lives. Sometimes we don't even know how important these technologies are to us and how often we use them.
